Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 5

We didn't have to get up as early in the morning, which was nice. Again, breakfast was the same, but I opted out on the coffee this time. It was warmer than the day before and I was grateful because I felt cold all day We spent all of today in Puente Alto, starting at the family health center and then meeting up with some community health care workers who took us around on a tour through the area. We were able to see two "primary care" facilities that help people get jobs, housing, etc. These facilities are geared for lower class people, and also have doctors who provide medical services. All day I felt like we kept getting on and off the bus! We also took a tour through the "ghettos" of Puente Alto. It was really interesting to see how the lower class people live. All the houses are small and placed really closely together. Some are nicer than others but most of them look really grundgey and there was graffiti all over every thing. There were dogs all over the streets, which was sad because a lot of them were very cute and we wanted to take them home. After all the touring the group was starved so we found a restaurant near some winery areas. it was a very long lunch and we had all the guests speakers we had picked up along the way in Puente Alto, Solana who had come with us for the trip and even Juan ate with us! It was a fun lunch, though. Emily and I got some empanadas and fruit because we had sandwiches on the bus so we weren't super hungry. After lunch we had the long drive back to Santiago where we met up with Jaime at the Salud Publica. Jaime and Solana took us a few blocks from the center to a local market where there are lots of stands that had good little gift ideas. We did not take the time to buy anything because the plan was to go back tomorrow to shop. From the market we went to a local art museum and they were nice enough to let us in for free because it was late and they were about to close up. Even though I wanted to, I didn't walk through the museum because I was really tired and starting to not feel very well. Back at the hotel we had left overs from the previous night and, of course, watched more of The Office. Emily and I went to bed early, but Kelly and Cameron went out with Jaime. They had a ton of funny stories for us in the morning.

Best quote of the day:
"Jaime, I thought you were only having one drink."
"No, no, one per minute."
-Jaime, at lunch

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