Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 10

Today was a pretty good day. Definitely better than yesterday because we weren't bombarded with presentations, which was a relief. The bus departed at 8 this morning, but Kelly and Carrie weren't on it because they had plans to get Kelly's backpack/passport situation figured out. We met at Sotero de Rio for a discussion with Cristian Anuch who was talking to us about outpatient day It was interesting to find out the difference between the two and even more exciting was that we got to see the two places afterwards. After the discussion we split in to two groups and I was in the group that went o the short stay facility first, while the other group went to the day treatement center. We were able to walk through the center, look at the rooms, and then were able to talk with the patients. They asked us a lot of questions like why were were interested in the Chilean health care system and what the U.S. system was like. It was very interesting to have that kind of interaction with patients who have mental conditions because they were so normal, and asked very intelligent questions, which is not the stimga that patients with those conditions usually have. From there we headed to the day treatment facilitiy on the other side of the hospital. this facility is for patients who come form 9-4 every day to participate in workshops and be treated by the day. We did not get to talk to the patients in this facility because they were doing a group activity but it was still interesting to walk around and hear about how the facility works. While our group was waiting for the other group to finish their tour Emily and I had our lunch of PB&J sanwhiches, apples slices, pringles, and chocolate cookies. Once the other group arrived we all went back to the bus and Juan drove us back to the University campus where every one else was able to get their lunch in the cafeteria. Cameron, Brandon, Emily, the other Emily and I had already eaten so we played cards until Lisette (one of the nurses who was working with us this week) took us on a tour of the campus. After the tour we still had an hour left of our break so we played more cards. Our final presenation of the day was by Margarita Bernales and it was on the Psychiatry and Mental Health Reform of Chile. This was one of the better presenations because Margarita added interactive questions for us so we wouldn't get sleepy ;) After the presentation we hopped back on the bus and headed back to our hotel. For dinner Brandon made us Chicken fettachini alfredo and I made cheesey bread. Tonight we will probably watch more of The Office. We are just that cool.

1 comment:

Jen and Brian said...

Yes...you are just that cool! We are enjoying reading your Blog....full of awesome information. We love it!!! It really give us a sense of what you are doing in class, where you are going and I mustn't forget..what you are fixin' in the kitchen for dinner. And I love how you are packing lunches! Your little group totally rocks!!!
Keep livin' and learnin'....
Brian and Jeanette (aka Emily's mom and dad)