Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 19

This morning we were hoping to go to the hot springs but there was no such luck. Unfortunately for us the spring did not open until 11 and we had plans for a Mapuche style lunch at 12:45 which did not give us enough time. Instead we decided to hang around the ruka and do our own thing. After breakfast Emily, Kelly and I climbed back in our beds and hung out for a bit because it was warmer there. After awhile we decided to go outside and play on the playground for awhile. Cameron and Cynthia came with us and we had a good time laughing and messing around. Right before lunch was served we went over to where one of the farms had a ton of sheep with baby lambies running around. We were sooooo hungry by the time lunch came, we were all relieved. It was suppose to be a traditional Mapuche meal and so we were served Mapuche bread which looks like donught bread and is so delicious. We also had some salad, and then pork with vegetables. Everything was very tasty and I was impressed that I ate it all. After lunch we had some time before leaving for Puerto Montt and so a group of us played some card games. Piling on the bus was once again a complicated situation. This time I sat in the front with Cynthia because there was an extra seat. This drive was a lot shorter than from Santiago to Villarrica, only about 4 hours or so. Everyone was very glad to get to the hotel. Emily, Kelly and I are roomed together... no surprise there, but I love my girls! We had dinner shortly after we arrived downstairs in the pub of the hotel. It was very smokey down there and I could barely finish my food because the smoke was making me feel sick. I took a shower to get all clean but my clothes still smelled really bad. I was very tired that night so I went to sleep early.

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