Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 13

Today we got to play with kids! My group (the same as Wednesday) went to Josefina Martinez hospital which is a clinic for children with respiratory diseases. When we arrived at the hospital we were given a talk about the hospital and its origins as well as what they do there. After a short tour of the building we split in to two smaller groups. I was in the group that went in to the play room with the children first. There were toys every where and mats for the kids to play on and a TV playing Disney Channel in Spanish. The kids loved having us come and play with them. One boy, Oscar, had a tracheotomy tube and he was so energetic, bossing Brandon all over the place. It was so much fun. When we switched groups my group went to see the different rooms with children who are severe cases and usually remain in their beds. Some of the serious cases we saw had breathing aids, both invasive and noninvasive. All in all there about 25 children in the hospital and we did not even see them all because some are well enough to go to school for the day, but then return afterwards because they need to be constantly monitored by the doctors. After we saw the different rooms we were all able to play with the kids again for a bit before we had a coffee break. Juan picked us up shortly after and we went to pick up the other group. From there we headed back to the hotel and Brandon, Cameron, Emily, Kelly and I went to Pizza Hut because we were starving. We ordered two pizzas and some empanadas to split and it was all delicious. Afterwards I took another nap. That evening we mostly just hung around and watched the Office. The night was pretty uneventful other than that.

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