Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 9

I definitely did not want to get out of bed this morning. It's weird to look outside and have it be dark when my brain is a bit in summer mode... it is technically still summer for me. Breakfast was the same old same old except there was some little omelet triangles that looked like they were egg and ham. I didn't have any of that though... just my usual. During breakfast Jaime came up to Kelly and said "Kelly, I'm sorry for your loss" like her dog had died or something. It was pretty funny actually, and we all laughed about it. Kelly was not able to go to the consulate this morning because it was labor day and they were closed so her and Carrie planned on going the following day. Juan drove us out the main campus of Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile where we picked up Lillian Ferrer who had organized our program for the week as well as the following week in Villarrica. From there we drove to the hospital Sotero de Rio, which is the hospital associated with the university. There we had a welcoming and then a presentation by Dr. Julia Acuna about Training of Psychiatists in Chile. For lunch we went to the cafeteria in the hopsital and got various foods. I had a turkey and avacado sanwhich, which was pretty good. Following lunch we had a presenation on Borderline Personality Disorder by Dr. Cecilia Brown then a presentation by Dr. Juan Jose Trebilcock on Suicide in Chile suring 2000-2005 and the final presenation was by Dr. Rocio Lora on Psychiatric Prgrams. After all these presenations we were soooooooo tired of listening to people talk. Luckily we were changing locations and went to visit a Rehabilitation Day Care center for people with psychiatric disorders. There we learned about what the centers do and were able to interact with the patients while they were doing their group activities. Kelly even played ping-pong with one of the patients. After that we headed back "home". Again, it was a day to go to the store and it was our little posse, as well as some other members of the group. For dinner I made gnocchi with 4-cheese sauce and Cameron also brought a pizza, but my gnocchi was waaaay better. I'm going to be early tonight because I'm super tired.

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