Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 22

I slept pretty well last night and didn’t even wake up until almost one in the afternoon, but it was expected since we got back around 4 am or so. Cameron, Cynthia, Kelly, Emily and I ended up going back to the same restaurant we had gone the previous day for some food because everything was closed. We really wanted some empanadas but didn’t see any on the menu, which was weird because we had sworn to seeing some the day before. Instead we ordered some French fries and a grande order of what we thought would be empanadas. We were definitely wrong because what they brought out ended up being a huge bowl of French fries with chopped up pieces of hot dog on top. Wow, we sure had a ton of French fries to eat. After we paid for our food we headed over to a nearby mall to browse a bit. There was not too much that interested us and so we went in to the grocery store instead to get some fruit and other goodies. While we were there Cynthia found a little place that had internet and decided to stay to get some work done. Since Cynthia was preoccupied Cameron, Kelly, Emily and I decided to get some dirty work done and headed back in to the store to get Cynthia some birthday goodies. We were able to find an awesome birthday tiara, some balloons, and a feliz cumpleanos sign. From there we headed back to the hotel and hung out a bit before we had a group dinner at 8pm. Cynthia made reservations at a restaurant called Sherlock where I had some chicken tacos that were OK. After dinner the group headed back to the hotel and some people split off to go to the pool hall across the street. I decided I wanted to go back to the room instead and so I took a shower and then just hung out until I wanted to go to sleep.

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